
Reinforcement Learning Basics

Explore the essential principles of Reinforcement Learning (RL), a robust machine learning approach for agent behavior optimization via trial and error.

Certificate :

After Completion

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Duration :

30 Days

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  1.  Explore the essential principles of Reinforcement Learning (RL), a robust machine learning approach for agent behavior optimization via trial and error.

  2. Understand key concepts including reward mechanisms, value functions, and policy enhancement.

  3. Engage in practical applications by developing RL algorithms to address real-world decision-making challenges.

  4. Apply learned techniques across various domains, including gaming and robotics.

  5. Enhance your skills through hands-on projects that reinforce theoretical knowledge.


  1. Earn a Certified Reinforcement Learning Practitioner credential, demonstrating your understanding of RL principles and techniques.


By the conclusion of the course, participants will possess the skills to:

  1. Grasp the core principles of Reinforcement Learning, including essential concepts like agent, environment, reward, and policy.
  2. Execute foundational RL algorithms, including Q-learning and SARSA.
  3. Investigate various RL approaches, such as value-based, policy-based, and model-based methods.
  4. Utilize RL in real-world scenarios, including gaming, robotics, and recommendation systems.
  5. Recognize challenges in RL, focusing on exploration versus exploitation and convergence problems.

Course Curriculum

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
  1. What is Reinforcement Learning (RL)?
    • Definition and core concepts: agents, environments, states, actions, rewards.
    • Difference between RL, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning.
    • Key characteristics of RL: exploration vs. exploitation, delayed rewards.
  2. Applications of Reinforcement Learning
    • Real-world applications: robotics, gaming, recommendation systems, finance, and autonomous vehicles.
    • Examples: AlphaGo, self-driving cars, robotics control systems.
Fundamentals of RL
  1. Key Concepts in RL

    • Agent: Learns and interacts with the environment.
    • Environment: The external system the agent interacts with.
    • State: The current situation of the agent in the environment.
    • Action: Choices the agent can make.
    • Reward: Feedback the agent receives after taking an action.
    • Policy: A strategy that the agent follows to decide actions.
    • Value Function: Estimation of the future rewards the agent will receive.
  2. Markov Decision Process (MDP)

    • Understanding the MDP framework: states, actions, transitions, and rewards.
    • Formal definition and components of MDP: states (S), actions (A), reward (R), transition probabilities (T), and discount factor (γ).
Exploration vs. Exploitation
  1. Balancing Exploration and Exploitation

    • Exploration: Trying new actions to discover their rewards.
    • Exploitation: Choosing actions that have already been found to give high rewards.
    • Strategies for balancing: epsilon-greedy, softmax, Upper Confidence Bound (UCB).
  2. Epsilon-Greedy Algorithm

    • Exploration with randomness and exploitation with the best-known action.
    • Setting epsilon (ε) and decay over time to gradually shift from exploration to exploitation.
Reward Signals and Return
  1. Reward Function and Return

    • The concept of immediate rewards and long-term rewards (return).
    • Discounting future rewards: The discount factor (γ) and its impact on the agent’s decisions.
    • Understanding the discounted sum of rewards over time.
  2. Value Function and Bellman Equation

    • The value of a state: Expected long-term return starting from a given state.
    • The Bellman equation for state value: V(s)=R(s)+γ∑s′P(s′∣s)V(s′)V(s) = R(s) + \gamma \sum_{s’} P(s’|s) V(s’).
Dynamic Programming and Value Iteration
  1. Value Iteration
    • Overview of value iteration for solving RL problems.
    • The algorithm for iteratively updating the value of each state until convergence.
  2. Policy Iteration
    • Policy evaluation and policy improvement steps.
    • Alternating between improving the policy and evaluating it.
Q-Learning: Model-Free RL
  1. Introduction to Q-Learning
    • Q-values: Action-value function, which estimates the quality of a given action in a state.
    • The Q-Learning algorithm: How the agent learns the best action by interacting with the environment.
    • Bellman equation for Q-values:
      Q(s,a)=R(s,a)+γmax⁡a′Q(s′,a′)Q(s, a) = R(s, a) + \gamma \max_{a’} Q(s’, a’)
  2. Implementation of Q-Learning
    • Steps of Q-Learning algorithm: initialization, exploration, updating Q-values, and policy extraction.
    • Example: Solving a simple grid-world problem with Q-learning.
Deep Q-Learning
  1. Introduction to Deep Q-Learning

    • Extending Q-Learning using deep neural networks for large state spaces.
    • The concept of a deep Q-network (DQN) to approximate Q-values.
    • Using experience replay and target networks to stabilize training.
  2. Implementing Deep Q-Learning

    • Practical implementation of DQN on simple environments like OpenAI Gym.
    • Training a neural network to predict Q-values for a given state-action pair.
Capstone Project
  1. End-to-End Reinforcement Learning Project
    • Implement a reinforcement learning solution for a real-world problem (e.g., training a robot to perform a task, playing a game, or optimizing a recommendation system).
    • The project will involve setting up the environment, defining the reward structure, and applying RL algorithms to solve the problem.

Training Features

Hands-On Experience

Implementing RL algorithms like Q-Learning, DQN, and policy gradients on real-world examples.

In-Depth Understanding of RL Algorithms

Clear understanding of model-free and model-based RL, policy gradient methods, and deep RL techniques.

Practical Applications

Application of RL in robotics, game-playing agents, and autonomous systems.

Expert Guidance and Feedback

Personalized feedback on projects and exercises from instructors.

Industry-Relevant Tools

Exposure to popular RL frameworks and libraries like OpenAI Gym, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.


A certificate of completion for demonstrating competence in reinforcement learning techniques.

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